Master Planning

Master planning is the process of creating long-range strategy for the future expansion of any organization.  Before embarking on a building project, we suggest developing a Master Plan to define vision for the space/property that is directly linked to the mission and goals of your organization.

Master planning considers the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments. The LIVE Design Session develops an overall facility master plan and the initial phase construction project through three steps:

Pre-Work, includes gathering of site information as well Programming & Experience Mapping which creates Programming Blocks used during the LIVE Session,

2-Day LIVE Design Session includes master planning and development of the initial design concept for the first phase building project.

Post-Work further develops & refines concepts created in the LIVE Session and the 3D model is “cleaned up”, documented graphically. Following 2 client reviews, final deliverables including floorplans, renderings & animations are provided for casting vision to stakeholders


Project Delivery Methods


Trends in Modern Church Design